CHAPTER 8 – Digital Systems and Signal  Processing: Trends and Future Directions

Book Title: Recent Advancements and Future Perspectives in Electronics and Computer Engineering

Editors: Mr. Lochan Nagar and Dr. M.Sucharitha

ISBN: 978-81-963849-5-1



M.M. Vijay1 and P. Maria Sheeba2

1Associate Professor, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, India.

2Assistant Professor, St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, Vagaikulam, Thoothukudi-628107, India.


Digital Systems and Signal Processing are essential components in modern electronic devices and communication systems. Digital systems refer to the use of digital circuits and devices, which employ digital signals and processing techniques to perform various tasks. Signal processing is the process of manipulating signals, such as audio or video, to achieve a desired result, such as improving the quality of sound or image. Here the latest trends and future directions in digital systems and signal processing were discussed. The topics such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, high-speed communication systems, emerging digital signal processing techniques, and the use of digital systems and signal processing in various applications such as healthcare, entertainment, and autonomous systems were covered.