An Evaluation of Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act, 2023

Book Title: Personal Data Protection in Digital Age: Issues and Challenges

Editor:  Dr. Ananya Rahul Bibave

Associate Editor: Dr. Sunita Mane Saware

ISBN:  978-81-970102-6-2

Chapter: 18


Author: Dr. Mayura Prakashrao Borde, Assistant Professor, Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Pune, Maharashtra 411016, India.


Due to development and advancements in science and technology, legislature of the countries all over the world brought new laws to curb various challenges posed by advancement. Data Protection laws are one of them.  Data Protection is a mechanism to protect a person’s data from unauthorized access and malicious insiders. As a result of  a half decade of deliberations the Indian Parliament passed the Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act, 2023. Preamble of Act provides that, “the right of individuals to protect their personal data” on one hand and “the need to process such personal data for lawful purposes” on the other. This paper discusses adequacy of  the law in protecting personal data. This paper discusses characteristics of the current law and its assessment.