Book Title: Recent Advancements and Future Perspectives in Electronics and Computer Engineering
Editors: Mr. Lochan Nagar and Dr. M.Sucharitha
ISBN: 978-81-963849-5-1
Amanjot Kaur
Assistant professor, Malout Institute of Management and Information Technology, Green Field Enclave, Puda Colony, Malout 152107, India
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are two rapidly developing technologies that are expanding the human experience. AR refers to the overlaying of digital information on the physical world, while VR is a fully immersive digital experience that simulates a virtual world. AR and VR are revolutionizing various industries, from gaming and entertainment to education and healthcare. The introduction of AR/VR has opened up new possibilities for human interaction with digital content, providing an enhanced experience that feels almost real. In this chapter, we will explore the concepts of AR and VR, their history, and their current status, as well as their potential future applications. An image related to AR/VR technology could be a person wearing a VR headset or someone holding a mobile device with AR overlayed on the screen.