Chapter 14 – A Review on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engines

Dr. M. Sivaprakash1, Dr. C. Dhayananth Jegan2, Mr. S. R. Rajkumar3, Mr. I. P. Rakhesh4
1Professor, 2Associate Professor, 3,4,Assistant Professor
1,2,3,4,Department of Mechanical Engineering
1,2,3,4,Stella Mary’s College of Engineering
1,2,3,4,Aruthenganvilai, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India


This research conducted a brief literature assessment on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines, taking into account the different practical obstacles that impede this concept’s use. Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) technology is also known as HCCI combustion due to its high efficiency and low NOx and particle emissions. Early in the combustion process, a homogenous mixture must be prepared for the HCCI method. Utilizing chemical kinetics and precise fuel mixing, the HCCI engine’s combustion processes were regulated. Numerous researchers are examining the obstacles and potential solutions for commercialising this engine. The current review consists of the essential qualities for evaluating the HCCI engine, its working principle, and the actual implementation challenges. This research expands on the anticipated solution and growth of the HCCI engine. Managing direct ignition of combustion is one of the most challenging aspects of an HCCI engine. Implementing this problem in an HCCI combustion engine is therefore a possible method for introducing this topic.