Author: Ms. Arsha Reddy, Assistant Professor, St. Peters Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Editors: Dr. Divya Mahajan, Dr. Saumya Vatsayan, Dr. Santosh Kumar, Dr. Priyanka Dadhich
ISBN: 978-81-963849-1-3
Business intelligence (BI) is a game-changing method for keeping tabs on and gaining insight from a company’s data. This software compiles all the pertinent data and assists you in making decisions based on that data. Data-driven decision making, continuous improvement, data governance, data integration, data security, data visualisation, collaboration, scalability, and adaptability are all tenets of Business Intelligence. In order to further analyse data, foresee trends, and provide recommendations, BI tools often use exploratory, descriptive, statistical, and predictive data modelling and analytics. In business intelligence reporting, data visualisation is utilised to make results more digestible and shareable. The principles and practical uses of Business Intelligence were covered in this chapter.