Chapter 16 – IOT Based Temperature and Humidity Controlling by Arduino And Rasberi PI 

Book Title: Recent Advancements and Future Perspectives in Electronics and Computer Engineering

Editors: Mr. Lochan Nagar and Dr. M.Sucharitha

ISBN: 978-81-963849-5-1


Authors: Dr. R. Rajasree and N. Patchiraja, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSN Institute of Technology & Science, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India


Internet of Things (IoT) does a most important role in our daily life by controlling the electronic devices using the networks. The controlling is done by observing the important parameters which are generating information’s from the electronic devices. And, it will transmit it from the transmitting device as well as saved the same on cloud. This information can be access by the applications and supplementary procedures where we want to use. This manuscript associates the outcomes of the environmental observances like the humidity and temperature measurements using sensors. The gathered information’s may used to produce actions for the following like distantly dominant cooling, heating equipments or long term statistics and which will be useful to control the same.