Book Title: Recent Advancements and Future Perspectives in Electronics and Computer Engineering
Editors: Mr. Lochan Nagar and Dr. M.Sucharitha
ISBN: 978-81-963849-5-1
Authors: K. Kalyana Sundari, K. Karthick, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, PSN Institute of Technology and Science, Tirunelveli
In this chapter, we have designed and analyzed the comparative performance of 96 x 40 Gbps DWDM long-haul optical communication system for the ultra transmission capacity of 3.84Tbps using CSRZ, DRZ, MDRZ and RZ-DQPSK modulation formats under the impact of Kerr nonlinearities. The performance analysis has been carried out with symmetrical dispersion compensation technique to find the optimum modulation format. The evaluation criteria of the proposed system at 50 GHz frequency spacing is kept as BER, Q-factor and Eye-diagram for various transmission distances and varied input powers ranging from -4 dBm to 10 dBm of CW laser array.