Data Proctection In India: Legal Framewroks And Emerging Trends

Book Title: Personal Data Protection in Digital Age: Issues and Challenges

Editor:  Dr. Ananya Rahul Bibave

Associate Editor: Dr. Sunita Mane Saware

ISBN:  978-81-970102-6-2

Chapter: 19


Author: Anita Jadhav, Assistant Professor, Modern Law College, Pune, Maharashtra 411016, India.


People and democratic societies consider privacy and data protection as really important values. For many years, there has been a discussion about how to make sure these values are part of systems right from the start, following both ethical principles and legal rules. One way to achieve this is by using something called privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs). Think of PETs as special tools that help keep your information private. Researchers and tests have shown that PETs work well, but they’re not used as widely as they could be, except for some things like encryption, which is quite common. For PETs to work best and protect privacy and data effectively, they should be part of a plan for how information is handled, called a data governance strategy. This plan makes sure that PETs are used the right way in real-life situations, so your data stays safe and private. Privacy and keeping your personal information safe is really important to people and the way societies work, especially in democracies. Some big documents like the Human Rights Declaration and the European Convention on Human Rights even say since confidentiality is a basic entitlement for everyone. As technology has gotten better, with things like computers and the internet, it’s become more challenging to make sure people’s privacy and data (like your personal information) are always protected.