Delicious Innovation: Formulation of Wild Sweetsop Infused Shrikhand

Book Title: Uncommon Food to Value Added Products: A Comprehensive Study

Editor: Dr. Swati Nakhale

ISBN: 978-81-971828-5-3

Chapter: 15


AuthorShaikh Saniya Ayyub, Student, Indian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India


Shrikhand is an Indian  traditional fermented milk product, which is very much enjoyed by people due to its classic pleasant sweet sour taste. The product is manufactured by blending Chakka, and it contains sugar, cream, nuts, fruits, cardamom, saffron, and other spices. Due to growing demand of Shrikhand, it is now commercially manufactured in organized dairy sector. It is important to use good quality of packaging material so that Shrikhand may not impart any off odour. The adequate pasteurization of Shrikhand is highly imperative before packing in order to ensure freedom from pathogenic microbes causing disease. Shrikhand should be kept at refrigeration temperature so that it can be served in chilled state. It is advised that hygienic conditions should be maintained during the preparation of Shrikhand in order to avoid contamination of the product. The wholeness of milk was realized prior to Vedic times itself. Dairy Industry in India has climbed up the stairs during last two decades. It goes with saying that in India, no festival or marriage is complete without serving milk based sweets. There is an emerging trend and interest in exporting traditional milk-based sweets.