Digital Marketing and Social Media Engagement

Book Title: Indian Management Case Studies

Editors:  Dr. Jasbir Kaur and Dr. Devyani Ingale

ISBN:  978-81-973428-4-4

Chapter: 23


Author: Dr. Shardha Thakur, Assistant Professor, EES’s Unique Institute of Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Learning Objective:

This case study aims to explore the strategies and tactics used to rebrand mutual funds for millennial investors in India, shedding light on the necessity of aligning financial products with the preferences and behaviors of younger generations. Through this study, learners will gain insights into the various approaches employed to make mutual funds appealing and accessible to millennials, a demographic characterized by their digital savviness and distinct consumption patterns. The study will delve into how digital marketing has been leveraged to create impactful and personalized campaigns that resonate with millennials, using platforms where they are most active, such as social media. It will also explore financial literacy initiatives aimed at educating young investors about the benefits and workings of mutual funds, thereby demystifying the investment process.