Exploring Space Law and Air Law in the Human Realm

Book Title: Legal and Policy Regime of Outer Space and Global Governance

Editor:  Dr. Ananya Rahul Bibave

ISBN:  978-81-979197-2-5

Chapter: 13

DOI: https://doi.org/10.59646/lpc13/257

Author: Ojal Ilamkar, Assistant Professor, PES Modern Law College, Pune, Maharashtra, India.


Space law is a rapidly evolving field that addresses the legal and regulatory challenges of human activities in outer space. As space exploration and commercial ventures expand, the need for a comprehensive legal framework to govern these activities becomes increasingly critical. Space law encompasses various issues, including the ownership and use of celestial bodies, liability for space debris, the regulation of space traffic, and the protection of the space environment. This abstract provides an overview of the key principles, international treaties, and emerging legal challenges in space law, highlighting the importance of cooperation among nations and the development of adaptive legal norms to ensure the peaceful and sustainable use of outer space.


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