Exploring the Potential Health Benefits and Flavour Profile of Passion Fruit Squash: A Comprehensive Review

Book Title: Uncommon Food to Value Added Products: A Comprehensive Study

Editor: Dr. Swati Nakhale

ISBN: 978-81-971828-5-3

Chapter: 4

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59646/fvapc4/163

Author: Prerna Anand Masi, Student, Indian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India


This is a type of fruit beverage containing at least 25 per cent fruit juice or pulp and 40 to 50 per cent total soluble solid, commercially. It also contains about 1.0 percent acid and 350ppm Sulphur dioxide or 600 ppm sodium benzoate. it is diluted before serving. Mango, orange and pineapple are used for making squash commercially. It can also be prepared from lemon, lime, Beal, guava, lichi, pear, apricot, pummelo, musk melon, papaya, using potassium metabisulphite (KMS) as preservative, or from jamun, passion-fruit, peach, phalsa, plim, mulberry, raspberry, strawberry, grapefruit, etc., with sodium benzoate as preservative. (RP Srivastava and Sanjeev k, 2002)The major focus of fruit and vegetable processing in the food industry is to develop nutritious, wholesome, palatable, safe food to the people which can become available throughout the year. Fruit juices are important trade commodities in most countries (Vasavada, P.C. et al. 2003). Juices are available in their natural concentrations or in processed forms. Fruit juices are calorie free, fat-free, highly nutritious packed with the bundle of vitamins, minerals and naturally occurring bioactive compounds essential for good health.