Fostering Employee Wellbeing: Tata Steel’s Mental Health Awareness Program

Book Title: Indian Management Case Studies

Editors:  Dr. Jasbir Kaur and Dr. Devyani Ingale

ISBN:  978-81-973428-4-4

Chapter: 12


Author: Dr. Prashant Kalshetti, Associate Professor & Head, Department of BBA, Dr. D Y Patil Vidyapeeth, Global Business School and Research Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Learning Objective:

Recognising the significance of mental health programmes in business settings is essential for establishing a nurturing work environment that prioritises the well-being of employees. Acknowledging the significance of mental health on par with physical health aids in diminishing stigma, promoting candid conversations, and offering crucial assistance and resources, consequently augmenting employee contentment and efficiency. Tata Steel demonstrates this strategy by including mental health awareness into its corporate wellness initiatives through periodic evaluations, expert counselling, stress management courses, and educational resources on mental health. Their dedication is evident in the implementation of policies that foster a harmonious work-life balance and enhance awareness and understanding of mental health.

In order to establish efficient mental health initiatives, companies should embrace optimal strategies such as conducting periodic evaluations, educating managers on how to handle mental health concerns, granting access to mental health experts, and cultivating an inclusive atmosphere that promotes candid conversations and diminishes social stigma. It is crucial to guarantee the accessibility and efficient dissemination of mental health resources. By adhering to these protocols, organisations can establish a conducive atmosphere that fosters mental wellness and augments overall workplace efficiency.