Innovative Data Management Strategies for Competitive Business Intelligence

Author: Dr Giriraj Kiradoo, Associate Professor, Department of Management & Technology, Engineering College Bikaner, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India

Editors: Dr. Thirumurugan Shanmugam and Dr. Shweta A. Bansal

ISBN: 978-81-963849-7-5



Administrative and governance tasks include data acquisition, verification, storage, security, and processing. Organisations of all sizes are capitalising on the explosion of Big Data by collecting and analysing vast volumes of information about customers, sales trends, and unrealized opportunities. Data management techniques may help businesses save effort and time. Data handling dangers include missing or duplicate data, sources with inadequate documentation, and resource-intensive processes with little economic value may be mitigated using these solutions. With the help of an enterprise data management strategy, businesses may boost their performance in the markets they serve. The strategic plan should guide the development of initiatives, strategies, and operational goals in addition to the strategy, which is the driving force behind the company. Data translation into information and then knowledge informs organisational and individual decisions. It is critical to keep these stages of change in mind when you are trying to get people to help your business and its consumers by using new tech, processes, and procedures. Data management shouldn’t fall on the shoulders of any one division but should instead be a company-wide endeavour. This chapter discusses a range of modern data management solutions for competitive business intelligence.