Innovative Use of Stinging Nettle in Crackers: A Culinary and Nutritional Approach

Book Title: Uncommon Food to Value Added Products: A Comprehensive Study

Editor: Dr. Swati Nakhale

ISBN: 978-81-971828-5-3

Chapter: 17


AuthorKhan Fariha, Student, Indian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India


In India, bakery industry is considered as one of the major food processing industry. India stands second in manufacturing of biscuits, first being USA. Bakery products are consumed by all age groups. They are gaining popularity as processed foods because of their convenience, ready to eat and good shelf life. Crackers are a category of crisp baked products, chemically leavened or fermented. Soda crackers, or saltines are a traditional type of fermented cracker, produced from laminated dough.Snack crackers are prepared by laminating dough with added flavouring and less fermentation time.The term cracker can be used when the baked product has a cereal base where the proportion should be at least 60% and a low moisture content of 1–5% which is the distinguishing factor. Crackers usually have a higher fat content than other baked products and a longer shelf life. Crackers are used as a base for savoury toppings most commonly cheese and tomato but they may also have enough flavour from tasty coatings to be eaten alone.Their low moisture content was a desirable feature for better shelf-life as there was no medium for mould growth.