Marketing Strategies Behind boAt to Rule the World of Sound

Book Title: Indian Management Case Studies

Editors:  Dr. Jasbir Kaur and Dr. Devyani Ingale

ISBN:  978-81-973428-4-4

Chapter: 25


Author: Dr. Nilesh Anute, Associate Professor, ASM’s Institute of Business Management and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Learning Objective:

This case study examines the marketing strategies that enabled boAt, an Indian consumer electronics brand, to dominate the audio market. Learners will explore how boAt leveraged product innovation by offering stylish and affordable audio products tailored to young consumers’ preferences and actively incorporating customer feedback into product development. Strategic collaborations with tech giants and sponsorships of sports and entertainment events enhanced its brand presence and technological integration. Emphasis on responsive customer support and community building fostered customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. The study will detail how these tactics collectively impacted boAt’s brand positioning, market share, and business growth, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of a comprehensive, customer-centric marketing approach in a competitive industry.