Myntra’s Personalized Recommendations: The Power of Recommendation Engines

Book Title: Indian Management Case Studies

Editors:  Dr. Jasbir Kaur and Dr. Devyani Ingale

ISBN:  978-81-973428-4-4

Chapter: 8


Author: Dr. Jayashree Patole, Assistant Professor, Global Business school and Research Centre, Dr. D.Y Patil Vidhyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Learning Objective:

This case study examines the importance and influence of personalised recommendations facilitated by recommendation engines, using Myntra as a specific illustration. Learners will gain comprehension of the strategies and techniques utilised by Myntra to provide customised product recommendations. This study analyses the consequences of these individualised encounters on consumer involvement, contentment, and business expansion, offering valuable insights into how recommendation engines contribute to Myntra’s triumph in the fiercely competitive online fashion retail industry.