Navigating a Crisis: IL&FS – A Debt Restructuring Case Study

Book Title: Case Studies in Business Management

Editor:  Dr. Nilesh Anute

ISBN:  978-81-979197-9-4

Chapter: 6


Author: Dr. Dattatraya Pandurang Rane, Principal, SNDT Women’s University’s, Maharshi Karve Model College for Women, Shriwardhan, Raigad, Maharashtra, India

Learning Objectives

This case study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the debt restructuring strategies undertaken by Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) during its financial crisis. Learners will explore the causes of the IL&FS crisis, the steps taken by the government and regulatory bodies to address the issue, and the outcomes of the restructuring process. The study will cover aspects such as financial management, corporate governance, and regulatory intervention, highlighting the impact on stakeholders and the broader financial system.