On The Wings of Data Privacy: Artificial Intelligence, Drone Technology, and the Imperative for Data Protection

Book Title: Personal Data Protection in Digital Age: Issues and Challenges

Editor:  Dr. Ananya Rahul Bibave

Associate Editor: Dr. Sunita Mane Saware

ISBN:  978-81-970102-6-2

Chapter: 17

DOI:   https://doi.org/10.59646/dataprotectionC17/125

Author: Manisha Sagavekar1 and Dr. Rohini Gote2

1Research Scholar, PES Modern Law College, Pune, Maharashtra 411016, India.
2Professor, MES Garware College of Commerce, Pune – 411004


In the dynamic intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and drone technology, the imperative to uphold data privacy stands as a paramount challenge. This paper delves into the profound implications of integrating AI in drone systems and the consequent need for robust data protection measures. Addressing the multifaceted dimensions of privacy, including data collection transparency, ethical considerations, and security challenges, it navigates through the evolving landscape of innovation. The aim of research is to study a comprehensive exploration of the delicate balance between technological advancement and the imperative to safeguard privacy in the collaborative ascent of AI and drone technologies. It is hypothesized that a proactive approach to data protection, encompassing transparency, ethical guidelines, and security protocols, contributes to fostering responsible innovation in the collaborative realm of AI and drone technologies.