Privacy-preserving Computing: Balancing Privacy in the Digital Age

Book Title: Exploring the Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies

Editors:  Mr. Agha Urfi Mirza and Dr. Balraj Kumar

ISBN:  978-81-970457-9-0

Chapter: 10


Authors:   T. Maheshwaran

Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry, India.


This comprehensive exploration delves into the intricate landscape of Privacy-preserving Computing, navigating the challenges and solutions at the intersection of security and privacy in the digital age. The introduction sets the stage by acknowledging the profound impact of the digital age, marked by escalated data collection, processing, and sharing, while also addressing rising privacy concerns like identity theft, data breaches, targeted advertising, and surveillance. The imperative for privacy-preserving computing emerges as a central theme, emphasizing the need to strike a delicate balance between security measures and individual privacy rights. As the discussion unfolds, the definition of privacy is examined from individual, societal, and legal perspectives, alongside an exploration of the evolving concept of security – transitioning from mere data protection to comprehensive risk management. Transitioning from challenges to solutions, the chapter introduces privacy-preserving technologies and techniques. It examines the delicate equilibrium required to balance privacy with other societal values, including security and public safety. The pivotal role of policy and regulation in fostering a privacy-respecting digital ecosystem is underscored, advocating for adaptability to technological changes. Finally, the importance of empowering individuals to control their personal data and actively participate in the digital world is highlighted as a cornerstone for a resilient and inclusive digital future.Top of Form


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