Privacy-preserving Computing: Balancing Security and Privacy in the Digital Age

Book Title: Exploring the Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies

Editors:  Mr. Agha Urfi Mirza and Dr. Balraj Kumar

ISBN:  978-81-970457-9-0

Chapter: 11


Author:   Ahmad HAIDAR

Université Paris-Saclay, Univ Evry, IMT-BS, LITEM, 91025, Evry-Courcouronnes, France.


Artificial Intelligence (AI), incredibly Generative AI (GenAI), is a significant technological breakthrough, reshaping industries like healthcare and manufacturing, enhancing human capabilities, and redefining business opportunities. Research conducted by MIT Sloan Management Review reveals that over 80% of companies view AI as a strategic opportunity, while nearly 85% believe AI can be leveraged for a competitive edge. Scholars categorize definitions of AI into four groups based on two axes: the reasoning–behavior spectrum and the human performance-–rationality spectrum. The categories include (i) systems designed to mimic human thought, (ii) systems built to behave in a human-like manner, (iii) systems engineered to reason according to logical principles, and (iv) systems that perform actions based on rational decision-making.