The Legacy of Indian Management Gurus: Insights for the Next Generation

Book Title: Indian Management Case Studies

Editors:  Dr. Jasbir Kaur and Dr. Devyani Ingale

ISBN:  978-81-973428-4-4

Chapter: 7


Author: Dr. Sachin Borgave, Director, Pratibha Institute of Business Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Learning Objective:

This case study seeks to explore the enduring influence of Indian management experts and extract valuable insights applicable to future leaders. Learners will examine the significant contributions made by these highly respected figures in management, get an understanding of their philosophies, and identify practical ideas that may be used in modern business settings. The goals of this course are to develop a thorough comprehension of the fundamental theories and principles put forth by well-known Indian management experts, as well as to examine the distinct leadership styles and techniques they utilised in different organisational settings. Learners can apply the essential ideas and best practices from lectures to address contemporary management difficulties. In addition, the case study will assess the practical implementations of these insights in current business situations, with a specific emphasis on their significance and flexibility. This technique promotes strategic thinking by analysing case studies and examples that emphasise the practical application of certain management principles.