The Rise of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in India

Book Title: Indian Management Case Studies

Editors:  Dr. Jasbir Kaur and Dr. Devyani Ingale

ISBN:  978-81-973428-4-4

Chapter: 22


Author: Ms. Prajakta B Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, MBA Programme, SPPU, Sub Centre Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Learning Objective:

This case study aims to explore the factors behind the rise of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in India, examining their significant role in the financial system, the evolving regulatory environment, and their impact on financial inclusion. Learners will gain insights into the strategic approaches taken by NBFCs to penetrate underserved markets, focusing on how these entities identify and target niche segments that traditional banks often overlook. The study will highlight the challenges NBFCs face, such as regulatory hurdles, liquidity issues, and competition from traditional banks and fintech companies. Through this case study, learners will understand the multifaceted strategies that NBFCs employ to navigate the complex financial landscape, their contribution to expanding financial access, and their role in driving economic growth by supporting sectors like MSMEs, real estate, and consumer finance.