The Impact of Digital Payments on the Indian Economy

Book Title: Emerging Trends in Commerce and Management

Editor:  Dr. Nilesh Anute

ISBN:  978-81-979197-7-0

Chapter: 18



Prof. Dr. Amey Adinath Choudhari, Professor, JSPM’s Rajashi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. Murlidhar Dhanawade, Director, NCRD’s Sterling Institute of Management Studies, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Learning Objectives

The rise and adoption of digital payments in India have significantly impacted various sectors of the economy, fostering growth and modernization. This case study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of this transformation by analyzing the widespread use of digital payments and their influence on commerce, banking, and everyday transactions. It evaluates the benefits such as increased efficiency, transparency, and financial inclusion, alongside challenges like cybersecurity and digital literacy. Additionally, the study discusses the regulatory and technological frameworks that support digital payments, examining their role in facilitating this shift.  


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